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Apnea - Wikipedia Apnea or apnoea is suspension of breathing During apnea there is no movement of the muscles of inhalation and the volume of the lungs initially remains Sleep Apnea - familydoctororg What causes sleep apnea? There are two kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive apnea and central apnea Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type Sleep apnea - Wikipedia Sleep apnea also spelled sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep Sleep Apnea Information for Individuals - SleepApneaorg Sleep apnea is an involuntary cessation of breathing that occurs while the patient is asleep There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive central and mixed What Is Sleep Apnea? - NHLBI NIH Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep Breathing pauses can last from a few Sleep Apnea MedlinePlus Sleep apnea is a common disorder that causes your breathing to stop or get very shallow while you sleep Discover sleep apnea symptoms and treatment Apnea Definition of Apnea by Merriam-Webster Define apnea: transient cessation of respiration especially : sleep apnea Apnea Kamus Kesehatan Apnea adalah penghentian sementara bernapas selama tidur seringkali mengakibatkan kantuk di siang hari Bentuk yang paling umum apnea adalah apnea tidur obstruktif Apneu - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Ada usul agar Apnea tidur digabungkan ke artikel atau bagian ini Apneu merupakan sekumpulan gangguan tidur yang serius di mana Apnea definition of apnea by Medical dictionary Looking for online definition of apnea in the Medical Dictionary? apnea explanation free What is apnea? Meaning of apnea medical term What does apnea mean?
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