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History of Reconquista against the Jihad in Spain (711 - 1492) History of Reconquista against the Jihad in Spain (711 - 1492) This site is dedicated to a factual and realistic analysis of the Islamic Jihad History of the Jews in Spain - Kehillat Israel Sephardic History Iberian Peninsula Before and During Roman Rule Rise of the Visigothic Empire Iberia Under Islam The Reconquista Spain and America: From Reconquest to Conquest - North The long Reconquista tended to make the Spanish and especially Castilians not only strongly devoted to Christianity but militaristic and romantic Military history of Spain - Wikipedia The military history of Spain from the period of the Carthaginian conquests over the Phoenicians to the current Afghan War spans a period of more than 2200 years Iberian Peninsula - Wikipedia Greek name The English word Iberia was adapted from the use of the Ancient Greek word (Ibra) by Greek geographers under the rule of the Roman
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